A proposal of a patient psychiatric treatment and hospitalisation consent form
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Psychiatr Pol 2010;44(4):475-486
The Polish medical law has accepted the rule of equivalence in the doctor-patient relationship. In this way it gave up on the medical paternalism. To a large extent, the newly passed or renewed Rules and Regulations were responsible for this. All Polish hospitals, the psychiatric ones amongst them, must abide the rules on patients' agreement to being hospitalised, examined and treated in accordance with the regulations on: the profession of the doctor and the dentist (passed on the 5th December 1996); on the patient's laws and the Speaker of Patient's Laws (passed on the 6th November 2008) and the Minister of Health Regulation on the type and range of medical records kept in the health care centres and the means of dealing with those records (from the 21st December 2006). Many hospitals have use their own adapted records, which are in accordance with those rules and regulations. There is no universal forms concerning the patient's consent to being admitted and treated in a psychiatric hospital. The problem that is taken on by the psychiatrists about the difference and specificity of psychiatric treatment and the situation of the patient being admitted onto a psychiatric ward, proves the general consent forms to be inadequate. The article shows the current and running regulations on the patient's consent to hospital admission, an agreement to receiving health care and receiving medical information and insight into medical records. The character, scope, types of patient's agreement and their forms have been discussed here. Appropriate form types and outlines are presented.
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