Assessment of the selected cognitive functions among the victims of domestic violence
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Psychiatr Pol 2007;41(6):837-849
Every traumatic experience triggers the cognitive functions. Among the people who have experienced a trauma, the cognitive functions are diminished and these people are exposed to the negative effects of it. People with the diminished cognitive functions are especially sensitive to the PTSD occurrence. Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate selected cognitive functions with the use of particular neurological tests among the people who have experienced domestic violence. Additionally, it was to specify the influence of the occurrence of PTSD and depression symptoms on the cognitive functions of the victims. Methods. 1. Neuropsychological Assessment: Trail Marking Test A and B (TMT A&B), Stroop Test (Colour-Word Interference Test), Verbal Fluency Test. 2. Assessment of PTSD Occurrence and Intensity: Civilian Version of Mississippi PTSD 35-point and 39-point Scale. 3. Assessment of Depression: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and 17-point Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). The study group consisted of 30 women age 17 to 55; average age was 37. All the women were inhabitants of the hostels for victims of domestic violence. The group was exposed to both physical and psychological violence. Results and Conclusion. A significant diminishing of selected cognitive functions was noticed among the study group. Both the symptoms of PTSD and depression had an influence on diminishing cognitive functions. The increase of PTSD symptoms correlated with the intensity of depression. The victims of domestic violence required long-term psychiatric treatment.
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