Family therapy process − works on the Polish version of SCORE-15 tool
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Pracownia Psychologii i Psychoterapii Systemowej Kliniki Psychiatrii Dzieci i Młodzieży UJ CM
Ambulatorium Terapii Rodzin Oddziału Klinicznego Psychiatrii Dorosłych, Dzieci i Młodzieży Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie
Oddział Kliniczny Psychiatrii Dorosłych, Dzieci i Młodzieży Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie
Submission date: 2015-03-11
Final revision date: 2015-04-24
Acceptance date: 2015-04-26
Publication date: 2016-06-08
Corresponding author
Barbara Józefik   

Pracownia Psychologii Psychoterapii Systemowej Kliniki Psychiatrii Dzieci i Młodzieży CM UJ, Ambulatorium Terapii Rodzin Oddziału Klinicznego Psychiatrii Dorosłych, Dzieci i Młodzieży Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie, ul. Kopernika 21a, 31-501 Kraków, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2016;50(3):607-619
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate progress of the works on the Polish version of SCORE-15 and the results of the preliminary data analysis of changes in the process of family therapy, obtained with this tool. The works on the Polish version, ongoing since 2010, were inspired by the Research Committee European Family Therapy Association EFTA. Since the Polish version of SCORE-15 will be make public and published on EFTA website in the near future, therefore, it is important that people interested in the tool know the context of its development.

The Polish version of SCORE-15, the tool designed to examine the process of family therapy, was used.

The comparison of the results obtained by family members before the first family session and before the fourth one and psychotherapists’ assessments show that the perception of the weight of the problem with which the family members came to therapy is indeed significantly lower already after three sessions of family therapy. Additionally, the obtained results show great coherence of the assessment of the family therapy progress in families and their therapists.

The preliminary analysis of data obtained during the research project conducted in Outpatient Family Therapy Clinic, Department of Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital in Krakow and in Laboratory of Psychology and Systemic Psychotherapy, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Jagiellonian University Medical College between 2010 and 2014 revealed that SCORE-15 is a useful tool in research on changes in the systemic family therapy process.
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