Can AI-assisted therapy (PARO robot) be a treatment option for children hospitalised in an acute mental health ward?
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Mazowieckie Centrum Neuropsychiatrii Sp. z o.o., Szpital w Józefowie, Oddział Psychiatryczny Dla Dzieci
Mazowieckie Centrum Neuropsychiatrii Sp. z o.o., Szpital w Józefowie, Psychiatryczny Rehabilitacyjny Oddział Dzienny Wieku Rozwojowego w Józefowie
Ośrodek Analiz Statystycznych, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Katedra Neuropsychologii Klinicznej, Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Szpital Uniwersytecki nr 1 im. dr. A. Jurasza
Submission date: 2023-11-09
Final revision date: 2024-04-23
Acceptance date: 2024-04-27
Online publication date: 2024-11-02
Publication date: 2024-11-02
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Kałwa   

Mazowieckie Centrum Neuropsychiatrii Sp. z o.o., szpital w Józefowie, Oddział Psychiatryczny Dla Dzieci, ul. 3 Maja 127, 05-420 Józefów
The aim of the study was to assess changes that occur in the behavioural and emotional sphere in psychiatrically hospitalised children with serious self-aggressive tendencies after therapy using interaction with the PARO therapeutic robot

The study is of a pilot and observational nature. It was carried out over the course of three weeks. It included patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to threats to life and health, who were divided, by randomisation, into an experimental group (working with the PARO robot) and a control group (working with a plush toy). The methods used were related to both external observation and children’s self-description

The results suggest that interaction with the PARO robot can increase positive and decrease negative emotions. This is also related to the increase in the number of interactions between children

The study results encourage further activities in the area of introducing artificial intelligence as a therapeutic potential that can be used by children with mental disorders hospitalised due to threats to life and health
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