Characteristics and experience of the patient in psychotherapy and the psychotherapy’s effectiveness. A structural approach
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Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
Instytut Psychologii Stosowanej, Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej
Submission date: 2016-02-11
Final revision date: 2016-03-30
Acceptance date: 2016-04-01
Online publication date: 2017-08-29
Publication date: 2017-08-29
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Szymańska   

Wydział Psychologii Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ryńska 35, (Borki), 05-255 STARE ZAŁUBICE, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2017;51(4):619-631
The study concerns the relationship between three groups of variables presenting the patient’s perspective: (1) “patient’s characteristics” before psychotherapy, including “expectations of the therapy”; (2) “experience in the therapy”, including the “psychotherapeutic relationship”; and (3) “assessment of the direct effectiveness of the psychotherapy”. Data from the literature are the basis for predicting relationships between all of these variables.

Measurement of the variables was conducted using a follow-up survey. The survey was sent to a total of 1,210 former patients of the Academic Center for Psychotherapy (AOP) in which the therapy is conducted mainly with the students and employees of the University of Warsaw. Responses were received from 276 people. 55% of the respondents were women and 45% were men, under 30 years of age. The analyses were performed using structural equations.

Two models emerged from an analysis of the relationship between the three above-mentioned groups of variables. One concerns the relationship between (1) the patient’s characteristics (2) the course of psychotherapy, in which –from the perspective of the patient – there is a good relationship with the psychotherapist and (3) psychotherapy is effective. The second model refers to (2) the patient’s experience of poor psychotherapeutic relationship and (3) ineffective psychotherapy.

Patient’s expectations of the psychotherapy (especially “the expectation of support”) proved to be important moderating variablesin the models–among the characteristics of the patient. The mathematical model also revealed strong correlation of variables measuring “the relationship with the psychotherapist” and “therapeutic interventions”.
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