Personality traits of drivers serving a custodial sentence for drink driving
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II Klinika Psychiatrii i Rehabilitacji Psychiatrycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Submission date: 2014-03-23
Final revision date: 2014-06-15
Acceptance date: 2014-06-16
Publication date: 2015-04-30
Corresponding author
Beata Pawłowska   

II Klinika Psychiatrii i Rehabilitacji Psychiatrycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie, ul. Głuska 1, 20-439 Lublin, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2015;49(2):315-324
The aim of the work was the analysis of personality traits of men serving a custodial sentence for driving under the influence of alcohol.

The study included 44 males serving a custodial sentence for drink driving, 45 males serving a custodial sentence for assault and robbery as well as 32 men with no criminal record, who had never driven a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The following research methods were used during the study: the Socio-demographic Questionnaire designed by the authors, the KRS, the Cattell’s IPAT, the NI, the ACL and the Life style Questionnaire.

The obtained results indicate significant statistical differences between the men serving the custodial sentence for drink driving as regards stress coping, anxiety level, intensified need to look for new experiences as well as anti-social personality traits.

The men serving a custodial sentence for drink driving show intensified traits of antisocial personality, higher level of anxiety, intensified impulsiveness irritability, distrust, aggression, egocentrism, eccentricity, intensified need for recognition, breaking social standards, experiencing various stimuli, new impressions, greater adaptation difficulties, less self-discipline, lower self-esteem as well as more frequently used destructive, escapist and emotional stress coping strategies as compared to the people with no criminal record, who never drove while under the influence of alcohol. As regards the intensity of personality disorders, stress coping strategies and self-image no significant differences were found between the men serving a custodial sentence for drink driving and those imprisoned for assault and robbery.
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