Characteristics of aggressiveness, hostility and self concept of law enforcement officers
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Psychiatr Pol 2009;43(1):65-75
Aim. The aim of the study was to characterize the aggressiveness and hostility as well as self-evaluation among police officers. Method. The research was conducted in a period of four months, during the law enforcement officers psychological training. A group of 59 occupationally active police officers, aged between 22 and 48 were seen. Two psychological methods were used: Buss - Durkee Hostility - Guilt Inventory named in the Polish version Nastroje i Humory (NiH), adapted by M. Choynowski, which measures aggression and hostility and Arkusz Samooceny R. Cibora which measures self concept as well as self-evaluation. Results and conclusion. The findings show an average level of aggressiveness and hostility as well as quite a high self-evaluation among police officers. The older the police officers were, the higher the aggressiveness and the lower the self-evaluation were (p<0.05).