Gender-related differences in social support programme for mentally ill persons
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Psychiatr Pol 2013;47(3):375-382
Aim. The current study is part of a research program on schizophrenia course in the system of community based assistance and support for mentally ill persons who do not use regular mental health system. The aim of this study was to investigate both the accessibility of the system for gender populations and its applicability in terms of addressing the needs of both males and females. Method. 105 subjects (46 males and 59 females) using home care services in three Warsaw districts were included in the study. The following domains of the functioning were assessed: the scope, content and efficiency of the social networks as well as social functioning of home care services users. Results. Males and females differed significantly with regard to several attributes of social networks as well as social functioning. Conclusions. Comparing to males, females had greater opportunity to receive support from more distant categories of persons constituting their social networks. The differences in social functioning of males and females were limited only to stereotypical gender roles and were not noted in other areas of social functioning.
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