Group psychoeducation in bipolar mood disorders – the influence on the cognitive representation of the illness. The results of the program “Taming the bipolar affective disorder”
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P.o. kierownik: dr n. med. M.W. Pilecki, Oddział Psychiatrii Dorosłych Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie
P.o. kierownik: dr n. med. M.W. Pilecki; Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. J.K. Gierowski, Oddział Psychiatrii Dorosłych Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie; Katedra Psychiatrii UJ CM
P.o. kierownik: dr n. med. M.W. Pilecki; Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. D. Dudek, Oddział Psychiatrii Dorosłych Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie; Zakład Zaburzeń Afektywnych Katedry Psychiatrii UJ CM
Submission date: 2014-03-05
Final revision date: 2014-03-29
Acceptance date: 2014-03-29
Publication date: 2014-12-25
Corresponding author
Bartosz Grabski   

P.o. kierownik: dr n. med. M.W. Pilecki; Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. J.K. Gierowski, Oddział Psychiatrii Dorosłych Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie; Katedra Psychiatrii UJ CM, ul. Kopernika 21a, 31-501 Kraków, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2014;48(6):1237-1252
To assess the influence of group psychoeducation in bipolar disorder on selected aspects of cognitive representation of illness.

51 patients with bipolar diagnosis were included in the study, and 24 were included in the final statistical analysis. The participants took part in 8 meetings of group psychoeducation. The assessment of selected aspects of cognitive representation of illness, i.e. acceptance of illness, health locus of control, generalized self-efficiency, hope for success, therapeutic compliance, beliefs about bipolar disorder was conducted with validated questionnaires before, after, and 18 months after receiving psychoeducation to register possible changes.

Statistically significant increase in acceptance of illness, perceived self-efficiency, hope for success, therapeutic compliance, and positive modification of beliefs about bipolar disorder were detected. The observed change occurred right after the intervention, but it was not sustained during the follow-up.

Psychoeducation may exert a positive influence on virtually important cognitive variables, which seem to be clinically important. This influence may disappear with time, thus the interventions should either be repeated or the duration of intervention should be prolonged. The study shows new possible research directions in the field of searching for the mechanism of action of psychoeducation in bipolar disorder, as well as of its active components.
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