Influence of positive and negative symptoms on suicidal behaviour in schizophrenia. Review of current literature
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Psychiatr Pol 2009;43(4):411-420
Suicide is the main cause of death among persons with schizophrenia. The risk of suicide among this group is continually high and it is estimated at 10%. The aim of the study was a review of current literature concerning positive and negative symptoms on suicidal behaviour in schizophrenia. Some studies showed, that the active phase of the disease and worsening of the sickness increase the risk of suicide among those diagnosed with schizophrenia. It is contradictory to the works, which prove that suicide of a schizophrenic person is not a result of experiencing psychotic symptoms. According to literature on the subject, the influence of positive symptoms on the incidence of suicide attempts made in schizophrenia is still inconclusive, also researchers' opinions about the negative symptoms are divided. None of the hitherto studies present statistically significant proof that commanding auditory hallucinations increase the risk of suicide among schizophrenics. The results of the investigations quoted below did not allow to unambiguously recognize the influence of positive and negative symptoms on suicidal behaviour, as well as to qualify them to a group of risk factors or a group of variables, playing a protective role.