Interpretations of hallucinations resolution by patient with chronic schizophrenia - case report
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Psychiatr Pol 2009;43(2):203-212
Aim. The aim of this case description is the analysis of psychotic symptoms resolution in the context of theory of psychosis as a state of aberrant salience. According to that theory both formation and treatment of psychotic symptoms can be seen in two interconnected dimensions: neurobiological perspective of dopamine hyperactivity and subjective perspective of excessive salience. Method. The case of a patient with chronic schizophrenia with predominant auditory hallucinations is described. The patient changed the doses of the medications according to his own will several times. The presence and disappearance of hallucinations was interpreted by him. The presence of voices was interpreted by him as a presence of his psychotic spouse. The disappearance of hallucinations was interpreted by him as a visit of the spouse in the heaven. He interpreted the recurrence of voices as the reunion with his spouse. Results. Formation, resolution as well as fluctuations of intensity of hallucinations are subjectively interpreted by the patient. Conclusions. This interpretations after disappearance of psychotic symptoms even if they are bizarre and impossible to occur are cognitive explanations but not delusions.
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