Long-term mood assessment in bipolar affective disorder
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Psychiatr Pol 2012;46(5):771-780
Long-term mood instability and fluctuations in mood are quintessential features of bipolar disorder; however a great majority of of mood rating scales are cross-sectional and focused on acute symptoms. NIMH Life Chart Methodology (NIMH - LCM) and ChronoRecord program on the contrary record the severity, duration and frequency of mood swings. Many bipolar patients need combined treatment and take multiple medications, which is associated with better treatment outcome but also with the increased risk of side effects. Treatment with drug combination negatively impacts the compliance of the patients. Simultaneous assessment of daily mood fluctuations and monitoring of life events and medications may help to optimize treatment and to better detect nuances of partial response. an internet site, in which patients keep on-line diaries concerning their course of disease and treatment, makes this tool available to a large number of patients. Not only does it enable the patients to learn about mood disorders, but also it increases their involvement in their treatment.
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