Symptoms of depression and anxiety after cardiac arrest
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School of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia Chair and Clinical Department of Psychiatry in Tarnowskie Góry
“Feniks” Mental Health Centre in Katowice
Psychiatric Department of the Multidisciplinary Hospital in Tarnowskie Góry
III Katedra i Oddział Kliniczny Kardiologii, ŚCCS w Zabrzu
Submission date: 2014-06-24
Final revision date: 2014-08-05
Acceptance date: 2014-09-12
Publication date: 2015-06-30
Corresponding author
Piotr Ścisło   

Oddział Psychiatryczny Wielospecjalistycznego Szpitala Powiatowego w Tarnowskich Górach, Pyskowicka 49, 42-600 Tarnowskie Góry, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2015;49(3):465-476
The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of depression and anxiety symptoms in patients after cardiac arrest (SCA) in relation to patients with a history of myocardial infarction without SCA and in healthy individuals. The analysis of the impact of selected socio-demographic and clinical parameters and duration of SCA on the presence and severity of depression and anxiety symptoms in different groups was also performed.

The study involved 30 patients after SCA and 31 patients with a history of myocardial infarction without SCA. The control group consisted of 30 healthy subjects. To assess the mental state, a specially developed questionnaire was used, while the presence and severity of the symptoms were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A).

Statistically, a significantly higher average level of depression and a higher incidence of anxiety was demonstrated in patients after a sudden cardiac arrest (study group) and after myocardial infarction (reference group) compared with the control group. There were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of anxiety between the study and reference groups. No impact of the duration of cardiac arrest on the incidence of depression and anxiety symptoms in the study group was observed.

In the group of people with a history of cardiac arrest, the most common mental disorder is depression. Anxiety and depression are significantly more frequent in patients with a history of SCA than in healthy individuals. There were no differences in the incidence and severity of depression symptoms in patients after SCA compared to patients after myocardial infarction without SCA. The described socio-demographic parameters and clinical characteristics had no impact on the symptoms of depression and anxiety in the investigated groups.
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