Objawy obsesyjno-kompulsyjne, tiki, stereotypie ruchowe czy dążność do zachowania stałości otoczenia? Występowanie powtarzalnych aktywności u pacjentów z całościowymi zaburzeniami rozwoju – opis przypadków
Psychiatr Pol 2011;45(5):759-768
Repetitive and stereotyped behaviours in the form of stereotyped interests or specific routine activities are one of the diagnostic criteria in pervasive developmental disorders. The occurrence of repetitive behaviours in patients with pervasive developmental disorders is a starting point for questions about the type and classification criteria of such behaviours. The aim of the article is to present case studies of patients with pervasive developmental disorders and co-morbid symptoms in the form of routine activities, tics, obsessive-compulsive symptoms or stereotyped behaviours. The first case study describes a patient with Asperger's syndrome and obsessive compulsive symptoms. The diagnostic problems regarding complex motor tics are discussed in the second case study which describes a patient with Asperger's syndrome and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. The third and fourth case study describes mono-zygotic twins with so called High Functioning Autism whose repetitive activities point to either obsessive compulsive symptoms, stereotypic movements, need for absolute consistency or echopraxia. The possible comorbidity of pervasive developmental disorders and symptoms in the form of repetitive behaviours, possible interactions as well as diagnostic challenges is discussed in the article.
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