Zespół stresu pourazowego u ofiar zamachów terrorystycznych – studium porównawcze wpływu wydarzeń traumatycznych na życie pacjentów
Department of Molecular Medicine and Development, Psychiatry Section, School of Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Data nadesłania: 26-05-2015
Data ostatniej rewizji: 09-10-2016
Data akceptacji: 09-10-2016
Data publikacji: 31-10-2016
Autor do korespondencji
Casolaro Ilaria   

AOUS Siena, Viale Mario Bracciu, 1, 53100 Siena, Italy
Psychiatr Pol 2016;50(5):907-921
To identify possible differences, in terms of duration and severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, between victims of terroristic attacks and subjects who underwent other types of traumatic events.

We selected a sample of subjects suffering from PTSD. After a clinical interview aimed at the collection of anamnestic data, CAPS to confirm the diagnosis of PTSD and DTS to assess frequency and severity of post-traumatic symptoms were administered. One-way ANOVA was used in order to compare the differences in the parameters analyzed through the DTS scales and its clusters between the victims of terroristic attacks and patients undergone other traumatic events.

The duration of PTSD was 258 +/- 144.9 months for people who underwent a terroristic attack and 41.6 +/- 11.8 months for victims of other traumatic events. As regards the severity of the disorder, the total score of the DTS scale was 65.6 +/- 26.9 in victims of terroristic attacks and 78.2 +/- 28.2 in people undergone other traumatic events, but the difference was not statistically significant; Avoidance and Hypervigilance clusters showed an important statistical significance.

No significant differences are present in terms of severity, showing that PTSD is a disabling disorder regardless the type of event that triggers it; but a significant difference in terms of duration of the disorder leads to reflect on the importance of an early diagnostic process aimed toward the victims of terrorism, in order to avoid the risk of chronicity and progression to other psychiatric disorders such as Depression.
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