Patient isolation in psychiatric healthcare
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Zakład Prawa Medycznego Katedry Medycyny Społecznej Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie
Zakład Medycyny Społecznej i Zdrowia Publicznego Katedry Medycyny Społecznej Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie
Submission date: 2017-12-01
Final revision date: 2018-03-23
Acceptance date: 2018-04-04
Online publication date: 2019-12-31
Publication date: 2019-12-31
Corresponding author
Marta Bażydło   

Zakład Prawa Medycznego Katedry Medycyny Społecznej Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie, Żołnierska 48, 71-210 Szczecin, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2019;53(6):1365-1378
To discover the opinions of psychiatric patients about personnel attitudes and family participation in the treatment process.

219 psychiatric patients took part in the study: 80 inpatients, 69 outpatients and 70 mental health clinic patients. The diagnostic survey method was applied using a patient questionnaire regarding: (1) the patient’s opinion on his or her hospital stay as an inpatient, (2) the patient’s opinion on his or her care as a hospital outpatient, mental health clinic patient, or community treatment patient, and (3) research on patient satisfaction with the administered medical service VSSS-54.

81.25% of patients confirmed receiving mental support during treatment at inpatient departments, compared to 88.41% of patients in outpatient hospital treatment and 84.29% of patients at mental health clinics. Hospital inpatients and mental health clinic patients indicated the doctor as the person providing the greatest amount of support; whereas hospital outpatients indicated a therapist. The majority of hospital inpatients (76.25%) indicated that nurses spent sufficient time with them. The rate of positive responses regarding doctors was 61.25% (p =0.000). 66.67% of hospital outpatients indicated that personnel spent sufficient time with them, whereas among mental health clinic patients this figure was 57.14%. Hospital outpatients and mental health clinic patients were asked abouttheir satisfaction with inclusion of family in the treatment process. The respondents gave this aspect of care a mean rating of 3.807 points (out of 5 available).

In order to increase mental health patient satisfaction, some organisational solutions which would result in both an increase in time spent by the personnel in contact with the patient as well as greater inclusion of family in the treatment process should be implemented.
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