Patients' and families' satisfaction from services provided in community care - pilot study
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Psychiatr Pol 2011;45(6):799-809
Aim. To evaluate patients' and families' satisfaction from services provided in community care and to analyse the correlation between patients' psychopathology, quality of life and satisfaction. Method. The study is anonymous. In 2008, nienety-seven patients from five community care settings in Warsaw filled in Frankfurt Scale short version. Quality of Life Scale QS and Verona Scale version for the patient. 38 patients' relatives from three community care settings in Warsaw filled in the Verona Scale version for the family. Care settings were evaluated using.. The European Service Mapping Schedule - ESMS. Results. The level of total treatment-related satisfaction in all the researched centres, with the exception of one, was in excess of 80%. The study also revealed a negative correlation between service satisfaction and patient's mental condition. The quality of patients' lives does not correlate with service satisfaction. Conclusions. The research gives no unequivocal answer to the question regarding the factors that increase service satisfaction, but it evidently shows deficiencies in the current psychiatric care system. The results of our studies point out at the lack of the variety of forms of community care available. Especially important is to involve the family in the process of treatment and offer the crisis intervention as a part of the service.
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