Perceived control over life and coping strategies with own illness and daily problems after one year psychosocial rehabilitation programme for schizophrenics
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Psychiatr Pol 2008;42(1):59-72
Aim. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of perceived control of own life on schizophrenics' strategies of coping with their illness and daily problems. Patients' and their caregivers' opinions were compared after I year of participation in the psychosocial rehabilitation programme. Method. 40 schizophrenics and 40 caregivers completed 3 instruments: Bryant's Perceived Control of Life Questionnaire, Mini-Mac and WCQ. Results and conclusion. Both groups recognized a higher level of regained perceived secondary control (over feelings) than the perceived primary control (over events). The patients estimated the perceived control over life as differentiating their destructive strategies of coping with schizophrenia and the caregivers estimated the constructive strategies of coping with illness. Both groups appreciated that recovery of control of life diminished social isolation, apathy of schizophrenics and, unfortunately, strategies of problem-solving and looking for the information. They stressed that the recovery of control of life increased the level of emotional and behavioural regulation of patients. The 1 year psychosocial rehabilitation programme augmented the control over own life and constructive style of coping with schizophrenia. It enriched patients' strategies of coping with daily problems. But it did not make the mutual communication of patients and their caregivers; more efficient.
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