Dental needs of psychiatric patient with eating disorders
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Zakład Stomatologii Zintegrowanej Instytutu Stomatologii UJ CM
Katedra Psychoterapii UJ CM
Submission date: 2014-03-15
Final revision date: 2014-12-11
Acceptance date: 2014-12-11
Publication date: 2015-10-31
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Jolanta Pytko-Polończyk
Instytut Stomatologii UJ CM, Zakład Stomatologii Zintegrowanej, ul. Montelupich 4, 31-155 Kraków, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2015;49(5):945-954
Aim of this study is to determine the dental care needs of patients with eating disorders and the need of interdisciplinary collaboration of psychiatrists, psychologists and dentists. This gives the opportunity to complete diagnosis and treatment.
In this study, 40 daily treated psychiatric patients were examined. Patients with diagnoses of chapters F4.xx, F5x.x, F6x.x ICD-10, were included in the study.During a stomatological consultation detailed clinical examination was conducted, including oral health index – API. Swabs were taken for microbiological examination – bacteriological and mycological. Each patient was assigned for X-ray picture.
Among the patients many had poor oral hygiene, tooth enamel erosion, frequent oral infections both fungal and bacterial were present. All patients required dental treatment. In several cases there were severe symptoms in the form of large enamel erosion, and numerous chronic periapical inflammation requiring rapid intervention.
Dental needs of patients with eating disorders are enormous and these patients often require immediate dental treatment. Interdisciplinary diagnosis and treatment provides complete picture of the patient’s problems and the possibility of full recovery.