Psychotherapy based on object relation with object and psychodynamic attitude to treatment of eating disorders
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Psychiatr Pol 2010;44(5):677-691
The article presents a proposal of integrating the basic concepts of object relations theory with the psychodramatic techniques by Moreno in treatment of eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia nervosa) The author pays attention to the common elements and also on the differences in psychopathology of eating disorder from a medical perspective, psychoanalytic and psychodynamic paradigm and moreover psychodrama by Moreno Moreover she points to common elements and the possibility of applying psychodramatic and psychodynamic therapeutic techniques in individual and group psychotherapy in persons, with eating disorders The presented attempt of integrating psychotherapy based on relation with object and psychodramatic techniques by Moreno can enlarge the repertoir of therapeutic techniques which intensify the recovery process in the group of persons with eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia nervosa)
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