Quality of Life in Depression Scale (QLDS) - development of the scale and Polish adaptation
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Psychiatr Pol 2013;47(4):705-714
Aim. The aim of this study was to adapt the Quality of Life in Depression Scale to Polish conditions. The scale determines the quality of life, defined in terms of the concept of needs, and focuses on patients with depressive disorders. Since its basic version has been developed, the tool was adapted in many countries, also outside Europe. Method. The adaptation procedure included the translation of the original version into Polish, followed by the English retranslation, and was performed by four independent, qualified translators. The final Polish version was verified during a pilot study. Results. This pilot study confirmed high reliability of the Polish version of Quality of Life in Depression Scale. Conclusion. The Quality of Life in Depression Scale (QLDS) can be considered an interesting tool in view of its broad theoretical background, and a simple procedure to complete during a clinical evaluation. The use of a specialist translation procedure, and the results of our pilot study suggest that the QLDS can be used in further research, both when evaluating a clinical population and when dealing with individual patients.