Self-concept in schizophrenics - a survey of studies
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Psychiatr Pol 2008;42(4):533-546
The article is a survey of studies concerned with self-concept, self-esteem and self-acceptance in schizophrenics. The aim of the paper is to present current research on self-image (the term 'self-concept' has been increasingly used in recent studies) although without critical analysis. In specialist literature one can distinguish three basic trends of research concerned with the relationships between the self-concept in schizophrenics and the illness process. The first one relates to the nature of self-concept in schizophrenics and contrasts it with that of normal control subjects, as well as includes the research on self-esteem and self-acceptance levels. The other trend takes into account the sex of the examined patients and the third focuses on interrelations between self-concept and other illness-related factors. The article focuses on the first and the second trend. It comprises of three parts. The first one presents the current research on self-concept, self-esteem and self-acceptance in schizophrenics. The second part looks into the relationships between the self-concept and other factors (e.g. disease duration, psychopathological symptoms, therapy). The last part is an overview of research on self-concept and perception of others, as well as the perception of patients by others.
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