Sexological questionnaire for screening research. Theory and validity
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Psychiatr Pol 2011;45(2):235-244
Aim. The aim of the research was to construct a questionnaire basing on the presently standing criteria of sexual dysfunctions and sexual disorders (according to ICD-10), that would enable the diagnosis of symptoms, as well as to verify its validity. Method. 102 patients (46 women and 56 men, mean age of 32.09, SD=10.29) of sexological clinics who declared they had symptoms of sexual dysfunctions or disorders were asked to participate and fill in the questionnaire which was later evaluated in a clinical study on the basis of ICD-10 research criteria. Results. Results show that using the questionnaire enables the diagnosis of 100% of gender identity disorders, almost all sexual dysfunctions and disorders connected to sexual orientation. The sensibility and specificity of the questionnaire were also examined and proved very high. Conclusions. The Sexological questionnaire for screening research presents with good validity, sensibility and specificity.