Social networks and social functioning level among occupational therapy workshops and community-based support centers users
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Instytut Psychologii Stosowanej Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej
Submission date: 2016-02-03
Final revision date: 2016-03-01
Acceptance date: 2016-03-06
Online publication date: 2017-02-26
Publication date: 2017-02-26
Psychiatr Pol 2017;51(1):139-152
Community-Based Support Centers (CSC) and Occupational Therapy Workshops (OTW) have been functioning for over 20 years in Poland. However, the effectiveness of their rehabilitation programs as well as the users profile has not been examined yet. The aim of the study was to determine social functioning level and support network effectiveness of CSC and OTW users.
Research tools: GAS (Global Assessment Scale), social network and social support assessment, Social Functioning Scale, Sociodemographic Questionnaire.
Results show that investigated groups (except for participants’ age) show no significant differences in sociodemographic variables and illness profile. Significant differences were found in the aspect of number and quality of support networks and the functioning level.
Analyzed support institutions have different aims and offer different support programs which show differences in support networks and social functioning level. It can result from that the goal of OTW is to activate its users and assist them with their reintegration into the labor market, whereas CSCs are oriented on users’ current issues and hospitalization prevention. It is important to have knowledge of these specifics during referring a person to such service.