Sleep disturbances in children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders - affective and anxiety disorders
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Psychiatr Pol 2013;47(2):303-312
Sleep disorders are common in children and adolescents, their incidence is estimated to be within 25-40%. Among children with psychiatric disorders, sleep problems often arise. Sleep disorders are a symptom of many mental illnesses, they have a major impact on the severity of other symptoms of the disease and the treatment is often difficult. Epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that children in this group often suffer from chronic insomnia, but also relatively frequently are seen in them primary sleep disorders such as restless legs syndrome or obstructive sleep apnea. On the other hand, there is evidence that primary insomnia may be a risk factor for many psychiatric diseases especially depression and anxiety disturbances, and may even produce symptoms of mental illness. Researches regarding pharmacotherapy in pediatric sleep disorders are limited. As a first-line treatment nonpharmacologic strategies are usually recommended.