The influence of some sociodemographic and clinical factors on depression in women undergoing coronary arteriography
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Psychiatr Pol 2008;42(2):237-248
Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of sociodemographic and clinical factors on symptoms of depression in 90 female patients awaiting coronarography. Method. The factor dividing the patients into two groups: those without significant atheromatosis - 48 women and those with coronary atheromatosis - 42 women, was the result of invasive diagnostics of coronary heart disease. BDI (Beek Depression Inventory), HAM-D (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) and sociodemographic and clinical data questionnaire were used in the study. Results. It was proved that there was a connection between the appearance of increased parameters of depression and more frequent number of annual visits in the Primary Care or Cardiologic Clinic, higher level of depressiveness and anxiety, fear of obtaining information applying to the necessity of coronarography, lack of hormonal replacement therapy and of support from other people. Additionally, it was noticed that the intensity of symptoms were higher for those less educated, those waiting shorter for coronarography and those with hypertension. There were no statistically significant differences in the estimation of depressive states in both groups, neither in prevalence, nor in the intensity. Conclusion. Patients with increased parameters of depression need special therapies and multidisciplinary care.