The program of psychological and breastfeeding support “Maternity step by step”: an example of effective solution for the prevention, diagnostics and treatment of prenatal and postpartum depression
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Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Psychologii
Szpital Św. Wojciecha w Gdańsku, Copernicus Podmiot Leczniczy Sp. z o.o.
Submission date: 2018-07-05
Final revision date: 2019-03-08
Acceptance date: 2019-03-10
Online publication date: 2020-06-30
Publication date: 2020-06-30
Corresponding author
Magdalena Chrzan-Dętkoś   

Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet Gdański
Psychiatr Pol 2020;54(3):613-629
Postpartum depression affects about 13–20% of women. Depression during pregnancy is observed in 19% of pregnant women. In Poland we lack asupport system for this group of patients. This article presents the elements of the pilot program of psychological interventions and breastfeeding support “Motherhood: step by step”, financed by the municipality of Gdansk. The aim of the program was to provide inhabitants of Gdansk with professional breastfeeding support and psychological help during pregnancy and in the first year of infant’s life.

The study involved three groups of women: 36 mothers participating in psychological consultations and short-term therapy, 123 women from breastfeeding support group and 104 women in the control group. The evaluation was based on questionnaires prepared by the researchers, the General Health Questionnaire-28 and the Parenting Stress Index –3rd version.

The evaluation showed a significant decrease in symptoms of mental disorders in both groups of treated women: women from psychological intervention and breastfeeding intervention group. In women from psychological intervention group a significant decrease in parental stress was observed.

Conducted analyses showed that the implemented program is characterized by high effectiveness and may be recommended for the continuation in the subsequent years. It may be considered as asolution for changes in the new standards for perinatal care in Poland.
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