Koncepcja psychodynamicznej psychofarmakologii D. Mintza i B. Belnap – omówienie w odniesieniu do pacjentów ujawniających oporność na leczenie 323-333
Psychiatr Pol 2008;42(3):323-333
In the process of education of psychiatrists and in psychiatric textbooks the information or chapters about combined treatment integrating psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy are very rare. There are not many chapters about the psychological meaning of medication. It is striking in this regard, since many patients currently receive both treatments. Another important artificial separation is a lack of integration of psychological knowledge in the understanding of psychological and physical effects of pharmacotherapy. The proposition of a new discipline-psychodynamic psychopharmacology by D. Mintz and B. Belnap is desribed and presented in the paper. They propose not only the new discipline but also practical recommendations for the psychodynamic treatment of pharmacologic treatment resistance. The paper presents also the concept of a pharmacologically informed psychotherapist for those who are psychotherapists but want to cross over boundaries between psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.