Changes in intensity of neurotic symptoms associated with reduction of suicidal ideation in patients who underwent psychotherapy in the day hospital for the treatment of neurotic and behavioral disorders
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Katedra Psychoterapii UJ CM
Klinika Psychiatrii Dzieci i Młodzieży Collegium Medicum Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Katedra Historii Medycyny UJ CM
Zakład Psychoterapii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie
Submission date: 2014-10-16
Final revision date: 2014-12-31
Acceptance date: 2015-01-06
Online publication date: 2015-03-25
Publication date: 2017-06-18
Corresponding author
Paweł Rodziński   

Katedra Psychoterapii Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum, ul. Solarza 11/30, 35-118 Rzeszów, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2017;51(3):531-548
Analysis of associations between changes in the intensity of neurotic symptoms and reduction of suicidal ideation (SI) or lack of SI reduction, in patients who underwent a course of intensive psychotherapy conducted in integrative approach with predominance of psychodynamic approach in a day hospital.

Symptom Checklist KO“O” and Life Inventory completed by 461 women and 219 men treated in the psychotherapeutic day hospital due to neurotic, behavioral or personality disorders between 2005–2013. During the qualification for the therapy 134 women and 80 men reported SI, of whom 84.3% and 77.5% respectively improved.

The reduction of neurotic symptoms intensity was greater in patients of both genders who improved in terms of SI than in those who did not. This referred to global intensity of neurotic symptoms (OWK coefficient) in both genders (p<0.001), as well as to the majority of the neurotic symptoms subtypes in both genders (p<0.05): Phobic disorders, Other anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorders, Conversions and dissociations, Autonomic disorders, Somatization disorders, Neurasthenia, Avoidance and dependence, Sexual dysfunctions, Dysthymia; and in case of women (p<0.05): Hypochondriasis, Depersonalization and derealization, Impulsiveness and histrionism and Non-organic sleep disorders.

The results show effectiveness and comprehensiveness of intensive psychotherapy as a treatment method that leads to improvement in terms of both SI and neurotic symptoms. This suggests that the applied therapy may be effective in preventing suicidality in this group of patients. The observed associations also point in favor of hypothesis on similarities in etiopathogenesis of and partly identical personality-related factors predisposing to SI and neurotic disorders.
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