Differentiation of indirect self-destructiveness due to sex (gender) in individuals after suicide attempts
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Department of Psychology, The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Piotrków Trybunalski Branch, Poland
Institute of Applied Psychology, Social University of Sciences in Lodz
Organic and Pharmaceutical Technology Group, Chemistry Department, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Submission date: 2013-12-28
Final revision date: 2014-03-23
Acceptance date: 2014-03-24
Publication date: 2015-06-30
Corresponding author
Konstantinos - Tsirigotis   

The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Piotrków Trybunalski Branch, Department of Psychology, Słowackiego 114/118, 97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski, Polska
Psychiatr Pol 2015;49(3):529-542
The aim of this study was to examine the sex (gender) differentiation of indirect self-destructiveness as a generalised behavioural tendency and its manifestations in individuals who attempted suicides.

147 individuals (114 females and 33 males) after suicide attempts were studied; the reference group consisted of 558 individuals (399 females and 159 males). Indirect self-destructiveness was examined by means of the Polish version of the Chronic Self-Destructiveness Scale (CS-DS) including Transgression and Risk (A1), Poor Health Maintenance (A2), Personal and Social Neglects (A3), Lack of Planfulness (A4) and Helplessness, Passiveness in the Face of Problems/Difficulties (A5).

Sex (gender) and suicide attempt significantly differentiate scores of the subjects on all indices/scales of indirect self-destructiveness. Scores of individuals after suicide attempts are considerably higher on almost all scales. In that group, significant differences between females and males occurred on the A2-Poor Health Maintenance, A3-Personal and Social Neglects, A4-Lack of Planfulness and A5-Helplessness scales. It was only on the A2-Poor Health Maintenance scale that females achieved higher scores.

The intensity of indirect self-destructiveness in females who attempted suicides achieved the level observed in males who attempted suicides. Poor health maintenance was also more intense in them than in the group of males. Males after suicide attempts displayed the lowest poor health maintenance. Results of this study may have preventive and therapeutic implications.
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